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Lawn 911: Tips to Help Revive a Dying Lawn

orlando mower parts people help revive a dead lawn

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes our chores and even our favorite hobbies fall by the wayside. While some tasks are easy to pick back up, others require a little recovery before you can get back on schedule. If you’ve let your lawn care chores (or hobbies) slip, you’ve probably noticed some severe brown patches, lots of weeds, and maybe an insect infestation or two - all of which will need addressing before your lawn can look its best again.

But before you throw in the towel on your lawn care or rip up and replace the entire yard, there are a few things you may be able to do to revive your lawn and go green once again. Take these 3 actions before you reassess your yard:

  • Scarify and aerate the lawn. Think of this process like exfoliating your skin before you apply a treatment - it takes off the top layer and creates channels for nutrients and supplements to seep through. You just need a simple rake to remove most of the brown thatch; for aeration, rent an aerator from your local hardware or garden supply store.

  • Fertilize your lawn. Once you’ve opened up those channels, the nutrients from your fertilizer will be able to soak deep down to the roots of the grass to give your lawn a quick boost. There’s a good chance this will be enough to kickstart your grass’ growth and break through the brown stuff. Be sure you don’t fertilize freshly seeded lawns.

  • Reseed and let it grow. The summer, between April and July, is the best time to reseed a lawn in Florida. After you’ve aerated your turf and given your lawn a good soak, go over it with new grass seed. Be sure you don’t water your lawn until the seed starts to sprout; then, let it grow to about 5 cm before you start to mow!

Once you’re starting to see new growth in your lawn, it’s important to mow regularly to give your grass more time to heal, recover, and strengthen. Be sure to keep your mower blade sharp so your grass doesn’t get torn or shredded as it grows! If you need to get your mower tuned up while your grass is still regrowing, call the Orlando mower parts people at Gator Mower Parts at 407-260-1292 to schedule an appointment.

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